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Children's Right of the Week


Our Rights this fortnight are linked to Carers Rights Day which was on Thursday 21st November 2024.

Children will be discussing how Articles, 27, 28 and 31 might not be upheld if a child is a young carer and how they could be supported.


Article 27 I have the right to have a proper home, food and clothing. 


Article 28 I have the right to an education. 


Article 31 I have the right to relax and play. 

⭐⭐Right of the Fortnight ⭐⭐


Article 2: All children have these rights


Article 30: I have a right to speak my own language and to follow my family’s way of life


These rights have been chosen by our School Council Rights Knights in support of Black History Month. Black History Month takes place in October every year and is a celebration of key figures and events in Black History.


We will be celebrating 'Show Racism the Red Card' on Friday 18th October in support of anti-racism. 




⭐⭐Right of the Fortnight ⭐⭐

Article 28 I have the right to an education.

Year 6 have been discussing this right, what it means to them and how parents and carers can uphold this right.

Why Article 28 is important to our Year 6 pupils:
- It allows us to learn new skills.
- It challenges us.
- Our futures depend on an education
- It will help us go to college and get a good job

How our parents and carers can uphold this right:
- Get us up early to go to school.
- Make sure we're not late so we don't miss Guided Group Reading and the start of the day.
- Help us with our homework.
-Make sure we come to school every day.

⭐⭐ Right of the Week ⭐⭐

Next week we will be learning about Article 12.

Children have the right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them. Adults should listen and take children seriously.

Discuss with your child why they should be able to share their views and opinions on matters that affect them.
