To achieve our vision, the school will:
- Provide a safe, welcoming, respectful environment for the whole school community
- Encourage, value and extend every child’s contribution
- Recognise and celebrate success in everyone
- Provide an enriched education which meets the needs of every child
- Build strong, collaborative partnerships with families and the local community
- Help all members of the school community to fulfil their potential
- Guide our children to value and care for themselves, others and their environment
Choosing the right school for your child is vitally important. Most parents want a good education for their children but they also want them to be happy and to feel safe and secure. We believe that we can offer all these things at Willowbrook Primary School. We pride ourselves on the broad, balanced education we provide; as well as the high standards of teaching and learning and hard work of both staff and pupils. We also understand the importance of teaching the social and moral values that underpin our every day lives. Equally, we are also proud of the positive and co-operative relationships that we have built up between the home and the school so that together we are able to provide a well structured and stimulating learning environment for all.